Gressly-Fleck-Visiting-Scholar 2016

PD Dr. habil. Tino Meitz ist 2016 der Max-Gressly- und Florian-Fleck-Visiting-Scholar am Departement für Kommunikationswissenschaft- und Medienforschung DCM und wird von Mai bis Juli in Fribourg forschen. Meitz’ Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen der empirischen Medienrezeptions- und Medienwirkungsforschung sowie der Medienpsychologie. In seiner Arbeit fokussiert er auf die kognitive Informationsverarbeitung von Medienangeboten, die Werbewirkungsforschung und das Konsumentenverhalten sowie strategische Kommunikationsformen in der Gesundheitskommunikation. Am 25 Mai 2016, 17:15 Uhr (Raum D130), hält er die Gressly-Fleck-Lecture zum Thema „Medien, Wahrnehmung und Gedächtnis – kognitive Informationsverarbeitung als integraler Bestandteil kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Forschung.

--------English version---------------------

Memorizing Media – cognitive information processing in communication research

PD Dr. habil. Tino Meitz was awarded for this years Gressly-Fleck-Scholarship at the DCM.

Tino Meitz was born in Salzburg and studied Communication, Psychology, Political Sciences, Economic Policy, Philosophy and History of Art at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster. After being awarded his Ph.D., he spent his post-doctoral time in Great Britain. Since 2009 Tino Meitz is appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Tübingen in the field of Empirical Media Research.

The focuses of Tino Meitz's research work and key topics include advertising research and consumer behavior, media effects, strategic and organizational communication. As part of his scientific activities, Tino researches advertising and consumer-related factors from a media and communication-research perspective, in particular with a view to strategic planning and organizational aspects of the advertising industry as well as effects of advertising and consumer behavior. Another focus of his research is investigating the principles of communication theory, and he is particularly interested in contributions on observer theory and mediality research.

The Gressly-Fleck Lecture will take place on Wednesday 25. May 2017 from 17-19 hours at D130.
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