Blockchain in Future Energy Systems

Later this year the Springer Verlag and in the Journal of Electronic Science (JEST) will be publishing the iimt's article "Blockchain in Future Energy Systems". The ongoing, in-depth transformation of the electricity sector towards increased use of alternative, renewable energy sources which extends beyond a simple decentralisation drive in the electricity market. Blockchain-based technologies have the potential to play a critical role in this transition by offering decentralised interfaces and systems as well as an alternative approach to the current organisation form of the energy market. This article discusses the applicability and prospects for blockchain-based technologies in the energy sector. The authors are outlaying and discussing the current transformation in the electricity market, followed by a review of the different applications for blockchain technologies in the energy sector. They are looking into the barriers and opportunities for blockchain energy using a Transition Studies perspective. Finally, the article will outlay the opportunities and risks associated with the use of blockchain energy.


Blockchain in Future Energy Systems
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